“At the heart of this book is the firm belief, supported by twenty-five years of research and experience, that art offers the power of healing to the very community entrusted with the public’s health and well being.”
In these unprecedented times of stress and strain for healthcare providers across the globe, The Choreography of Care provides a helpful guide and insights to care for the caregiver.
This new book by Stuart Pimsler chronicles how the work of Pimsler and artistic co-director Suzanne Costello continues to respond to the needs of caregivers in professional settings and in homes.
It discusses strategies for bringing creative expression to the professional caregivers’ workplace, as well as the impact art has made on the healing community. These pages speak to the importance of keeping caregivers healthy by offering ideas for their self-care and wellness.
Included are specific movement, theater, writing, visual art, and vocal exercises, and directed improvisations for invigorating the practices of healers. Similarly, artists of all disciplines will learn about touchstone issues and techniques for collaborating with the healthcare community.
“In this wise, compassionate, and insightful book, Stuart Pimsler writes about his twenty-five years of artistic collaboration with health care providers all over the world. Drawing on his own family experience, his life as a dancer and choreographer, scientific research, and the moving testimonies of nurses, doctors, and other healthcare professionals with whom he has worked, Pimsler guides his reader through the revelatory and healing powers the arts bring to medicine, not only for the sick and dying, but just as crucially for those who treat them.
— Siri Hustvedt, Siri Hustvedt, PhD. Lecturer in psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College. Author of The Shaking Woman or A History of My Nerves.
STUART PIMSLER is a writer, director, choreographer, performer, and founder of Stuart Pimsler Dance & Theater (SPDT). He and SPDT artistic co-director Suzanne Costello have been internationally recognized for their work and leadership in the field of arts and health for over three decades. Stuart has created more than fifty performance works for SPDT, written a play for children, My Grandmother’s Tsotchkes, and recently adapted the short story, MATINEE, into an interdisciplinary stage work. He has been honored with fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, McKnight Foundation, Ohio Arts Council and commissions worldwide. Stuart lives in Minneapolis with his family. Read more